In addition to the Founding Members, there are two different kind of membership:
1) Individual members: adult natural persons
2) Collective members: legal entities, associations and public authorities

To join, please download the registration form, fill it in and send it to, together with the additional documentation required on the form itself.

The registration request will be submitted to the Board for approval: once confirmation of acceptance has been received, the candidate will pay, by bank transfer, the membership fee fixed for the current year and for his/her category.

Membership fees 2024:

  • Individual members: €50.00
  • Collective members: €250.00

Bank account details:
Centro Documentale per la Storia dei Trasporti A Fune
Bank account no. 55000/1000/00181603
IBAN: IT 93 I 03069 09606 10000 01816 03

Individual Member registration form

Collective membership registration form

Statute of the Association

Internal regulations of the Association